Saturday, December 5, 2009

Do you judge a person's ability to give beauty advice by their own beauty...?

...or lack thereof?Do you judge a person's ability to give beauty advice by their own beauty...?
Although it is completely wrong to judge by appearance, we all do it and yes that includes thinking those giving advice should be beautiful themselves!

I'd be concerned if someone was giving me beauty advice when they clearly never bothered doing anything with their own appearance....

If someone isn't naturally beautiful but makes a good effort with their hair and makeup and dress etc then it looks good, but I think we do still judge them harshly.Do you judge a person's ability to give beauty advice by their own beauty...?
yeah...theres no point listening to a beautician who doesnt bother to use the advice/product shes givin me...
Don't judge a barber's skill by his haircut.
sometimes, i think it depends on the person
yes of course!!!
I try not to judge.

but here is an example...

you go to have your hair/make up done %26amp; your choices of cosmetologists are

1. a person who looks like they got into a fight with a lawn mower %26amp; lost, with bad make-up (drag queen ish)

2. a person with nice well groomed appearance and pretty make up.

who will you trust to fix you up?
Some people are just naturally beautiful and don't know squat about beauty tips, so you can't depend on their looks for advice. But then again, if an ugly person offers beauty advice, it can't be completely trusted. If they have such great advice, then why are they so ugly?
Of course. It shows what they know.
For the most part yes,because they look like they know what they are doing. But then there is the old saying ';Don't Judge A Book By It's Cover';. Hmmm....Thats a toughie!
thier own beauty. because if their advice is that great, they would have use it on themselves and look better

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