Friday, December 11, 2009

Beauty advice??

i have pimples and use sudocrem for them. now they're starting to dry up but stay really red coloured. i can cover them up with concealer and foundation but this makes them worse. how can i get the redness to go away without irritating them more??.

i wash my face every evening, and use a face scrub once a week. i drink lots of water but my pimples still don't go.

i hate it that everyone else i know has flawless skin and mine is covered in pimples. i clip my fringe out of the way and the one on my forehead are starting to dry up, but i have loads each side of my mouth which never seem to go away.

also how can i get soft kissable lips in less than 2 days?? mine are flakey and really dry, so can somebody help me with all of this. thanks!!!!Beauty advice??
First about your face problems.What face product do you use?Your most likely using face masks that are too harsh on your skin, making it break out even more.What you should do is start using products that have more natural ingredients in them(St.Ives).For your lips,wet your lips with water then put some sugar on it.rub the sugar on your lips until your lips feel slighlty raw.After that apply some chapstick on to keep those lips to keep them sultry and kissable.Beauty advice??
Stop wearing makeup all together until it clears. Maybe this sudocrem is giving you an allergic reaction. Try and change to something else. Have you tried proactiv or stridex? Also do you wash your face in the morning and before you go to bed? Also clean your bedsheets often. They collect dirt and oil from your hair and skin which rubs off on your face and clogs your pores. Shampoos and laundry detergents can make you break out too. The face scrub may be scratching your skin and making it red. There's always something out there that can help. As for your lips, they make chapsticks that have Vitamin E and cocoa butter. That kind of stuff. Just keep on aplying it often. Good luck! :)

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